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Campagne italienne


Welcome in the heart of Italy, a land that captivated the writers' imagination along the centuries. This Mediterranean country, cradle of Renaissance and inspiration for a lot of artists invite you to travel.​

From Venise to Tuscany, every side of the country reminds some novels that find their inspiration in this beauty.

Follow the prints of Dante in Florence, where the medieval streets reminds us of Divine Comédie. Discover Rome's charm in Goethe's novels. Explore every secret of Amalfi coast, which was an inspiration for writers as D.H. Lawrence.

Your trip will be an immersion in Italy's creative soul, where every street tells a story. It's here that art and nature are mixing each other to create a captivating symphony, that offers a literature experience which is authentic and landscapes inspired those famous writers.​

Strong points
  • Astonishment in front of places that inspired literature

  • Exploration of hidden treasures 

  • Discovery of Italian gastronomy, famous to be excellent. Taste pasta, pizza, local cheeses and wines for a unique experience

  • Discovery the vineyards: taste poesy of Italian wine during visits in different vineyards

  • Discovery of Italy through the greatest writers' eyes​

Practical information 

Your trip in Italy with Liter'Tours will offer you an experience just for you where every step will allow you to taste every side of Italian culture. Join us for an unforgettable adventure where every second will be a new page in Italian history.

When to go?

  • Spring: explore beautiful gardens and participate to markets

  • Summer: enjoy festivals and evenings

  • Autumn: look at landscapes where colors are changing

  • Winter: enjoy Christmas markets and tastes winter specialities

Comment se déplacer ?

Italy offers a lot of transports.

We recommend you to travel with sustainable transports as trains, metro, bus, tramways.​

Where to stay ? 

You can stay in:

  • Villas

  • Hotels

  • Campsites

Every accommodation will be selected according to your needs. 

The journey in pictures

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