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Serbia, located in the Balkans, has a rich culture. You could go to discover different styles.

Literature tourism is less known than other types of tourism, will make you experience an incredible adventure in Eastern Europe.

You will have the opportunity to learn more about Serbian history and about writers as Ivo Andric, Vuk Karadzic or Isidora Sekulic.

Image de Ljubomir Žarković

Strong points

  • Discover Eastern European cultures thanks to our writers

  • Share your experience with local experts 

  • Go to an adventure with incredible places​


When to go?

  • The best season to go to Serbia is from May to September because the country offers ideal temperatures

  • The period from October to April could be varied because there is Autumn's beauty and the snow in Winter that offers splendid landscapes


How to move?

You could move with the bus, tramway, train or taxi in Serbia.


Where to stay?

  • Hotels

  • National parks

  • Campsites 

  • Sustainable accommodations


What is the currency? What time difference? 

The currency in Serbia is the Serbian dinar (RSD) 1€ = 117 RSD

There is no time difference with France.

The journey in pictures

Sustainable tourism

  • Serbia offers various landscapes according to sustainable tourism thanks to a lot of natural parks like Djerdap, Kopaonik, Tara, Sar and Fruska Gora

  • Moreover, you could find natural reserves, natural monuments, caves and more

  • A lot of sustainable accommodations can be found

  • Serbia is protecting sites and species 

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